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Update(localization-management):Organize text namespaces by modules

Posted on:December 6, 2023 at 10:50 AM

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These two settings, however, present a issue. The same original texts can only be associated with one translation and can not differ across namespaces. For instance, if a user creates content with the same text as an existing translation, such as “Users” with the Chinese translation “用户,” it will be displayed as “用户” in the “zh-CN” environment. This happens even if the user prefers to show the original text rather than the translation.


Translation texts are categorized based on their corresponding modules (menus, collections & fields, different plugins), with no deduplication. On the localization management page, texts can be filtered using a dropdown menu by selecting the corresponding module.

How to migrate

Follow the normal upgrade process to upgrade the system. Then switch to the corresponding language environment, and on the localization management page, synchronize translation texts by clicking the “Sync” button.

Breaking changes

Translation texts are no longer deduplicated

Duplicate texts across modules require separate translations.

Removed fallbackNS option from i18n instance

The i18n instance of client no longer includes the option fallbackNS: "client".

For plugin developers, if language files in a plugin omit some texts already present in the core client, it’s necessary to supplement them. If you still want to reuse content from packages/core/client/src/locale, pass the appropriate parameters when using it, for example:

import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next';

export const NAMESPACE = 'localization-management';

export const useLocalTranslation = () => {
  return useTranslation([NAMESPACE, 'client'], { nsMode: 'fallback' });